Normaly a subject for the sales section so please move if you feel thats where it shouls be.
I was contacted by phone about this a few days ago and this is the email I recieved today;
HAVE you got an old VW Beetle that you’d like to see turned into the greenest car in the country? Then Perennial, the horticulturalists’ charity would like to hear from you. The charity, which was set up 170 years ago to help professional gardeners in times of need, is hoping to turn a VW Beetle" into a glorious Show Garden at this year’s Gardening Scotland.
Two years ago Perennial hit the headlines when, in association with Oatridge College, they won the prestigious "˜Best Show Garden’ award with an exhibit made from old Irn Bru cans and discarded tyres. The controversial award by the judges hit the headlines across the UK.
This year their plan is to plant up a VW with flowers to show that not all bugs are bad for the garden.
Gardening Scotland 2009 takes place from Friday, 29 May until Sunday, 31 May at The Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh and this year marks its 10th anniversary.
If someone has a VW Beetle (even just a shell) that they think fits the bill, then Perennial will work with them to gain publicity for their donation.
Contact Alex Rutherford on 0141 334 6523 or
John Mallon on 01506 86400 or
John Mallon
Oatridge College"