Has anyone got a black basket weave drivers seat for sale for a 69 bug the type with two runners?
it doesn’t have to be in good nickas its going to be recovered come to think of it it doesn’t even hav to be black :think
If you aren’t in an almighty hurry I may be able to sort you out with one, I have some Porsche tombstone seats waiting to be fitted into my '70 1200 only thing is I’ll probably keep the actual runner to fit the porsche seat too. Once I get round to it n visit seamonsta to get it welded I’ll let you know, but like I said it aon’t gonna be soon.
ive got runners that i could give you if you leave the seat as is. im in no great hury either i recon january would do!!! i will see you at the next bleather.
:think if id logged on before it would have been clear ive got runners and its me thats looking for a seat , god im thick sometimes :rasp
lol, if you have runners then it could actually make life a hell of a lot quicker & easier. The seats in my bug definately need a recover etc though. Not sure if I’m gonna be able to make the blether at flotterstone as it’s the day Vicky gets ot of hospital (I’m gonna try my luck though once the kids are in bed) am hoping to definately make the queensferry one though. All depends how my forced 1600 tp rebuild goes though :think
fab hopfully i will see you there if not we can sort something out as i said no great rush as bugs in bits just now im just trying to get everything i need together as it makes life easier when i put it all back :think
:rasp i dont need seat now got a new interior