
Hi I have just moved up to edinburgh, I was wondering if you could recomend some good garages and if anyone had used heriothill garage in manderson street before. I am planning a trip round europe in my 78 bay window and wanted some quality servicing done. Please advise.


welcome to the forum richy

used heriot hill garage a good few times now always helpful, friendly and i feel value for money.

your trip sounds good, post up a couple pics of your van :smiley:

Hi Richy - and welcome!
If you don’t limit yourself to Edinburgh, one of the best V-dub Van workshops in Scotland is Greg at Bus Stop Ecosse.
You can drive there in under an hour…

seamonsta - 2007-05-17 12:36 PM

Hi Richy - and welcome!
If you don’t limit yourself to Edinburgh, one of the best V-dub Van workshops in Scotland is Greg at Bus Stop Ecosse.
You can drive there in under an hour…

Id 2nd that,Greg,Doods and Kenny are all nice guys,top work and wont rip you off