New (ish) T3 owner

Hi all. Bought a 1987 petrol T3 last year and took it up to John o Groats with the family. Fun time :slight_smile:

Sadly due to an ID10T issue (forgot to put a clip back on a temp sensor) a drive down to Leeds proved the undoing this wonderful machine. I’ve replaced a few melted parts (oil pressure switch, thermostat housing and thermostat, spark plugs, plug leads) and sadly it still needs the water jacket seal replaced. Due to some rust where the housing was leaking, the nut holding the head in place is completely seized… looks like a blow torch is on my shopping list…

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Hi Gales
Welcome !
Sounds like you had a good bit fun, before the trouble hopefully not too bad to fix then you can get onto more adventures !

Yeah, currently on SORN until I have the time/patience to fix it

Welcome to the club - hopefully get the van back on the road soon :+1:t2:

Hi mate, glad you joined up. The club will be a good place to find help/advice if you need it. Fingers crossed you get it sorted soon and back on the road. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Gales,

Welcome in, plenty time to fix it up for the new season :grinning:
Hopefully see you at a meet or event in the furure

Thanks all. Would be nice to get to an event but I think I’ll need to make it work first :slight_smile:

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