paint query?????

i priced my paint yesterday for the bug everything was fine till i got to the price of the flake
it wasnt the actual price that confused me but the man said that unless you put the flake in a liquid carrier the manafacturers wont garantee the paint and he added it MUST be applied between the under coat and the laquer :think
he wouldnt give me a price on a carrier but explained they were expensive :think
is this true or is he trying to get more money from me
he asked to speak to the person that was spraying it to verify how he was painting it also

ashleigh :huh:

i thought it just got mixed in with a laquer

thats what i thought kris,thats why i want to make sure before i spend money on something i dont need

does anyone else have advise please

all appreciated guys

thanks ashleigh :smiley:

if you look on ebay it says mix in with the laquer
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

yeah i think you mix it in with the laquer put a couple coats on (or until your happy with coverage then put laquer over the top of the mix (reason for that is the mix is very lumpy to the touch)

What kind of flake is it? The kind i use comes in bags and is just added to the clearcoat.
I usually coat it up till im happy with the effect then give it 2-3 coats of untreated clear to finish.
You can buy bags of it on ebay at very reasonable prices, think the last bag i got was about £4 for 100 grammes.
If buying off ebay check what the flakes are made of, some loose there effect under constant sunlight.
If you need any more help just send me a PM :thumb:

pm sent
