September Cruise

Well its that time again. The final cruise of the year, before the clocks change and the dark before 7pm situation returns. So if you have had a habit of not making them this is your last chance. The last cruise was from Queensferry (a destination I struggle to get to for 7pm), so I reckon PC World car park is probably the easiest option for everyone. The route will vary though. I propose to head through Corstorphine, then right into Balgreen road, then left along Gorgie Road, to fountainbridge, onto Lothian Road, then Tollcross, Morningside Road, then out to the Flotterstone Inn, for 8pm roughly.

sounds like a plan. nice one ill be there, lets hope we get some sunshine for it !!


when you want picked up :o

MOTing the Bug tomorrow, so hopefully Milka will make its 2006 Debut… :mellow:


mine was in for her mot today not sure how she got on but i guess you lot will find out tomorrow !!!

oh yes a lift mite be handy matey 7 ok? just in case :smiley:

Bob B - 2006-09-12 3:33 PM

MOTing the Bug tomorrow, so hopefully Milka will make its 2006 Debut… :mellow:


Better late than never Bob, just in time for the winter.

bummer i need a lift mate :frowning:

Oh Shite. Can’t bloody believe it. I am in Scotland tonight and I forgot about the Lothians Blether. Normally I’m stuck in some shithole down south. crap crap crap.

Hmm… a practical suggestion (are such things allowed?) - could we have a little more advanced notice of the cruise dates, perhaps on the What’s On page? I’m guessing it’s the 2nd Wednesday of the month but my brain is not that finely tuned a machine…

We do have a bit of a problem with the calendar options on the forum.
If the event was held on a certain fixed day or date each month, we could post it once and set it to repeat mode, but the forum options don’t allow us to program in the second and third Wednesdays of each month.
Therefore each one has to be hand written into the calendar for the particular date.
I admit it’s not a huge hassle for most of us forum users, but sometimes it does get overlooked.
The calendar is ‘public’ folks, so everyone registered on the forum can post up an event they know of that will be of interest to anyone here. :slight_smile:

Calender… yes… I see it now. I’m sure that hasn’t always been there at the bottom of the forum page. It can’t have been. I would have seen it. I… ahem… well. I should be going now. I have to… wash… my car.
