seen this on vzi - seems to work
…what you need to do is:
write to the dvla requesting the history of your car (pay a small fee- contcat them for full details). They will send you a copy of all the previous owners names and addresses (a copy of all the old V5’s and reg docs). Ok now thats a good start but you can do better!!! Now write to all the addresses adressing it to 'the occupier of…24 Smyth st etc) a very nice polite letter, asking of they used to own your car and can they tell you anything about it or do they know the owner now etc etc. Now and here’s the good way to get an answer make sure you enclose a stamped and addressed envelope with you name on it, and a piece of paper and ask them to write down what they knwo and send it back. Suprisingly they will do this!!! I have a 56 oval with no history whatsoever when i finished researching i had a folder 3 inches thick with info!!! (if your very lucky you might even get some old photo’s back of your car!!).
It’ll take time and patience but its wicked when you get the info back Good Luck - this really works!!
not much good to me as came in from germany in 94 but might help someone