
Going to try a 195/65/R15 on my van soon, if it fits I will be changing the others so there will be four nearly new Yokohama C drives 185/60/R15 that i would like to sell on if possible PM me if interested. Wont be this month, probably some time in September.


PM answered :slight_smile:

Just checked these tyres on ‘my tyre’ they are not commercial tyres and the load rating is 88t, 560kgs per wheel.

Tyres available soon £20 quid a shot (£47 new) Approx 500 miles on them. :smiley: listed under commercial tyres with sava tyres centre. :rolleyes:

Bump! Tyres now on Ebay. :beers:

Still have tyres if anyone is interested. 185/60/R15