Van prices

Been watching van prices for a while now and there is definitely signs that van prices are dropping. T25’s in particular are not going for the prices that they were a few months ago, a lot are not even hitting there reserves. THe bays are following suit, so many are just not getting anywhere near there reserves. As for splits, nothing is shifting at the top end any more. Of course there are always exceptions but I general I Guess folk just dont have the cash or are looking for a bargain. If folk cant sell them at this time of year it can only get worse in the middle of winter. An ideal buying time me thinks :thumb:

You thinking of investing some of your cash then Keith

Only if I can get something decent for a sensible price.

I’d say that if you are looking for a useable camper, a T25 is the way to go. In 15 years time they will go the same way as bays, just like spilits did 15 years ago.

Alan - 2008-08-05 9:13 PM

I’d say that if you are looking for a useable camper, a T25 is the way to go. In 15 years time they will go the same way as bays, just like spilits did 15 years ago.

I think they are better value, but they are a little ugly and waterboxer engines are fragile. Still, will keep an open mind.

i noticed a couple of t25 going for silly (lots) of money this week on ebay ! bottom line is you want a good van be prepared to pay for it.

[/QUOTE] I think they are better value, but they are a little ugly and waterboxer engines are fragile. Still, will keep an open mind.[/QUOTE]

UGLY? - its VWs were talking about!

alan i dont think keith can be that fussy after all he did buy a mexican bug !!

T25 Prices are slightly down at the lower and middle market vans but i think top end vans are still fetching very good cash - Westys,californias etc

its a bit like house prices tho,nothings selling in a hurry apart from some here and there.

If Joe public needs cash the 1st thing to go is the toys,most only use a van 6 months a year…where the market will be next year is a guess but vans in general are still in great demand,bugs however is another story.

T25s although arguably not VWs best looking vans are the best choice value for money and there bigger inside than bays, splits and cost less,a nice set of wheels and a big bumper kit makes a huge difference - its only something to camp in :thumb:

mark - 2008-08-05 10:07 PM

T25 Prices are slightly down at the lower and middle market vans but i think top end vans are still fetching very good cash - Westys,californias etc

its a bit like house prices tho,nothings selling in a hurry apart from some here and there.

If Joe public needs cash the 1st thing to go is the toys,most only use a van 6 months a year…where the market will be next year is a guess but vans in general are still in great demand,bugs however is another story.

T25s although arguably not VWs best looking vans are the best choice value for money and there bigger inside than bays, splits and cost less,a nice set of wheels and a big bumper kit makes a huge difference - its only something to camp in :thumb:

Its clear that a lot of folk have got themselves large cheap loans to pay for these vans and have extended them to pay for resprays, interiors etc. But now with rates shooting up they are struggling with repayments and are looking to sell them on to pay off their loans. Plenty of examples on VZi. But the top end stuff isn’t shifting because most folk dont have that sort of cash to hand, and no-one is borrowing at the moment. If folk get desperate prices will drop, as they will have to get rid of them.

I’ll keep my eyes open for the price drop. I’m in the market at the moment but only for a splitty. I’ve been up to Sams this week to look at his but he seems closed all the time, maybe he’s on his hols?

Guess winter is a sensible time to look but maybe there won’t be much on the market then. If anyone sees a Spltty with a decent body let me know. Mechanics and interior don’t matter, I’ll change them anyway,


Knaughty - 2008-08-07 7:59 AM

I’ll keep my eyes open for the price drop. I’m in the market at the moment but only for a splitty. I’ve been up to Sams this week to look at his but he seems closed all the time, maybe he’s on his hols?

Guess winter is a sensible time to look but maybe there won’t be much on the market then. If anyone sees a Spltty with a decent body let me know. Mechanics and interior don’t matter, I’ll change them anyway,


Think he might be on holiday, he was talking of going away at the end of July.

ive looked at the ones at sams they looked well worth the money biggrin.gif

Just back from a week in Cornwall (not the best weather! :rs ) where there’s always a good crowd of V-dub Vans around at this time of year, and noticed most of the ones driven by surfers and family campers alike are T4’s! At a rough guess it’s 40% T4, 30% T25, 20% Bay & 10% Splitty.
A garage on the outskirts of Newquay at Tregunnel was selling off several 4-5 yr old diesel T4s at around the £5.5k mark. All yellow with one side window and one metal panel, so possibly ex-AA vans.
Majority of all vans were lowered in some way, the most stock looking vans being high top T25 Campers.
However, todays plague of moving obstacles on the narrow lanes of the West Country is less the family car & caravan combo - it’s Mr.& Mrs. Satki (Spending all the kids inheritance), newly retired with a hulking great motorhome being driven at a snail’s pace. mad.gif
With these automotive monstrosities costing well over £30k, the V-dub Camper will hopefully still have decent future as a desirable, affordable & minimalistic way of camping.
Overall values may be falling as the ‘credit crunch’ bites, but I can’t see Vans getting much more than 20% cheaper than they’ve been recently.
Happy Shopping… :thumb:

A Devon T25 camper, A reg I think sold on flea bay the other night for £5250. Not mega cheap. But the fact that it had only 12k on the clock, original rust free paint and and bedding that still had the polythene sheeting on it from new made it a bit of bargain, and way less than what a similar bay would get., mmm.